
High-performance vacuuming

The Cerberus is designed to perform heavy-duty vacuum operations and leaves no room for compromise, no matter if used as a dry or wet suction unit or as a suction excavator. The KAISER MORO vacuum system incorporates highvacuum blowers with an air flow rate ranging from 6000 m3/h to a maximum level of 16500 m3/h at a maximum vacuum of 93%. The tremendous performance of the twin-boost version pushes the limit of suction applications to the performance of a suction excavator. For maximum versatility, dry and wet material can be sucked through separate vacuum lines.

Quietness and easy servicing combined with maximum efficiency

To guarantee maximum user comfort and enable deployment of the Cerberus in urban surroundings, the stainless steel cowling is internally panelled with acoustic insulating material to reduce noise emissions. The filter bags are cleaned by means of counter-current compressed air jets. The automatic filter chamber cleaning not only allows easy maintenance but also continuous working.


The Cerberus can become a multifunctional vehicle thanks to a modular concept that enables the basic range of applications to be extended:

  • A high-tipping mechanism allows the loaded material to be discharged at a maximum height of 2350 mm into containers or big bags.
  • A fully hydraulic articulated four-segment suction boom/arm with a suction hose diameter of 250 mm can be installed on the rear door of the tank.
  • A blow ejector can be fitted to perform blowing operations such as roof gravelling with a max. overpressure of 1.2 bar.
  • A high-pressure water pump makes it possible to carry out even small jetting applications.


The fields of application for the Cerberus are numerous and include, among others, construction sites, oil refineries, cement plants, foundries and chemical industries.


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